Sedation dentistry plays an important role in oral care. It can mean the difference between getting access to even the most basic dental services or ignoring big problems.
But parents might understandably be concerned if their child’s dentist recommends sedation. To help put your mind at ease, keep reading this article to understand what sedation dentistry is and how safe it is.
Sedation is often used by a dentist to help patients, be they children or adults, stay perfectly relaxed and calm while sitting in the dentist’s chair.
A dentist might recommend sedation for a variety of reasons, including:
When a dentist recommends sedation, it’s because it will give the child their best chance to get through their appointment.
There are four types of dental sedation. The one your child will receive can depend on a few factors, such as their health and the type of dental treatment they need.
Dentists will recommend a specific type after reviewing the child’s file. Moreover, no matter which type of sedation the child receives, they will be constantly monitored by the dentist.
Here are the types of sedation your child might receive:
Nitrous oxide (or laughing gas) is a mild sedative commonly used in pediatric dentistry. The child inhales the gas through a mask covering their nose. Once it’s in their system, the child becomes more relaxed and giggly, but they remain awake.
When the procedure is over, the dentist switches from the gas to oxygen to help the child’s system flush out the nitrous oxide.
Oral conscious sedation is a stronger sedative that is usually recommended for children who need a bit more dental work. They will take a pill shortly before their procedure and become relaxed.
Like laughing gas, the pills don’t put the child to sleep, but some can become so relaxed they doze off.
For lengthy procedures, IV sedation can provide a constant stream of the sedative to make sure its effects don’t wear off in the middle of the treatment.
General anesthesia is the type of sedation that puts the child in a sleeping state. It’s only used in a hospital setting for surgery and major dental procedures.
Dr. Engineer and Dr. Raj want your little ones to be perfectly comfortable when they visit the practice. And dental sedation can be an effective way for this to happen.
To learn more, book an appointment at My Kids Happy Teeth and stop by to discuss sedation options.